Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Contoh pidato bahasa sunda

saya mau nge share contoh pidato bahasa sunda.
mudah mudahan bermanfaat ^___^
Contoh Naskah | Teks Pidato Bahasa Sunda Singkat. Sagala Nuaya dina pidato ieu mung saukur conto, mangga diedit deui sasuai sareng kaperyogian urang.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
Hadirin anu ku simkuring dipihormat.,
Kersaning Gusti Nu Maha Suci, urang sadayana tiasa patepung lawung paamprok jonghok dina ieu acara. Mugi ieu acara téh lungsur langsar kalayan kahontal sagala anu dipimaksad. Amin.
Ngadegna sim kuring dina danget ieu payuneun parasepuh miwah paratamu anu sami rawuh, taya sanes seja ngiring jabung tumalampung sabda kumapalang.
Kitu oge bari jeung digedeng ku kendang gede pakauman, dag-gig-dug rasaning ati, rumasa sim kuring mah taya kabisa, sanggem paripaos téa mah étang étang lauk buruk milu mijah. Boga catur gé nu tanpa bukur, ngalantur teu puguh alang ujurna taya pulunganeunana.
Nanging sanaos suwung ku pangaweruh suda ku pangabisa, sim kuring baris nyobi ngaguar téma ieu biantara anu unina “Ngaronjatkeun Kareueus Nonoman Kana Basa Sunda”.
Hadirin nu dipihormat,
Saparantos sim kuring maluruh sababaraha sumber anu jadi rujukan. Sihoreng geuning, anu utama pikeun para nonoman atanapi generasi muda anu jadi seuweu siwi Pajajaran teh, taya sanes kedah mibanda rasa katineung kana budayana. Ulah nepikeun ka jati kasilih ku junti – mupusti budaya asing bari teu malire budaya urang sorangan. Anu antukna cul dog-dog tinggal igel. Adean ku kuda beureum, ngarasa reueus ku banda meunang nginjeum.
Sanes hartosna nonoman sunda ulah malire kana budaya deungeun, nanging asa langkung payus saupami weruh kana budaya deungeun teh disarengan ku ngaraksa – ngariksa budayana sorangan. Utamana kana basa sunda anu jadi ciciren bangsa.
Naha basa sunda ciciren bangsa? Rupina basa teh nuduhkeun ciri anu dipibanda ku salahsahiji suku bangsa. Kitu oge bakal disebut sekeseler sunda saupama disarengan ku aya basana.
Asa palangsiang, saupamana dina hiji waktu keur aya di nagara deungeun, heug aya nu naros, kawit ti mana, dijawn teh ”
ti Indonesia”. Indonesiana di mana? Ana dijawab teh “ti Jawa Barat”. Batur teh nanya deui: “Atuh pinter basa Sundana, tiasa abdi ngiring diajar? … Pisakumahaeun teuing erana saupama urang keur di mancanegara diperedih ku batur pikeun ngawanohkeun basa Sunda , … tapi urang teu bisa.
Ngawanohkeun Basa Sunda saleresna mah sanes kanggo para nonoman wungkul, tapi tos kedah diwanohkeun ti kawit balita. Upami di Jawa Barat nya ku Basa Sunda. Basa Sunda salaku basa indung bakal leuwih nyerep ka diri nooman lamun geus dibiasakeun diwanohkeun ti bubudak.

Hadirin anu ku simkuring dipihormat, eta mah sakadar cita-cita simkuring. Da ahirna mah diwangsulkeun deui ka nonoman nyalira.
Cindekna mah urang kedah peheuyeuk-heuyeuk leungeun dina ngamumule ngaraksa sareng ngariksa basa katut budaya Sunda.
Manawai bahan katampi, hapunten … sanes bade ngabejaan bulu tuur, atanapi mamatahan ngojay ka meri. Ieu mah mungguhing kajurung ku identitas sim kuring salaku nonoman Sunda. Sasieureun-sabeunyeureun bae mah ngiring nyumbang saran.
Manawi bahan katampi, hapunten … sanes bade ngabejaan bulu tuur, atanpi mamatahan ngojay ka meri. Ieu mah mungguhing kajurung ku identitas sim kuring salaku nonoman Sunda. Sasieureun sabeunyeureun bae mah ngiring nyumbang saran.
Amit mungkur. Hapunten sakali deui, bilih aya basa anu kirang merenah sumarambah kana manah sareng matak nyelekit kana ati. Mugi agung cukup lumur jembar sihakasima.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

contoh kadua : tentang kabersihan

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Langkung tipayun urang panjatkeun puji sinareng syukur kailahiirabbi nu mana kalayan hidayah sareng inayahna, urang sadaya tiasa kempel dina ieu tempat kalwan dina kayaan sehat walafiat.
Para wargi anu ku simkuring dipikahormat.
Dina ieu waktos, abdi bade nerangkeun sakumaha pentingna hirup sehat kanggo urang sadayana. Janten, urang sadaya kedah atawa wajib ngajaga lingkungan sareng awak nyalira pikeun urang sadaya tiasa ngajaga tina sagala panyakit. Ku margi kitu, urang kedah ningkatkeun pola hirup sehat kanggo kapayunna di kawitan ti ayuena.
Dina salah sahiji hadits diterangkeun...
Inna dhofatu minal iman
Nu hartosna : “Kabersihan teh sabagian tina Iman”
Tina hadits eta, urang tangtu tos ngartos maksad sareng tujuannana, nyaeta urang teh umat muslim anu ngagaduhan iman dina jero hate urang. Upami urang sadaya iman ka Allah, berarti urang kudu bersih atanapi suci tina sagala kokotor boh hadas alit atawa hadas ageung, nu nyebabkeun urang teu suci. Bersih eta sadaya teh nu didasarkeun tina bersihna jeung sucina urang sareng lingkungan di sakitar urang. Kabersihan sakola oge kudu urang jaga. Urang kudu mikacinta kabersihan sangkan hate urang ge milu bersih.
Kabersihan teh aya marupi-rupi macemna, nyaeta aya bersih hate, bersih jiwa, bersih raga, sareng bersih rohani. Tah, urang kudu janten jalmi anu kaasup kana jalma anu bersih sadayana. Allohumma, amien... Hayu urang sami-sami ningkatkeun pola hirup sehat kanggo kasaean urang sadaya sangkan tiasa leuwih getol kana ibadah ka Gusti nu Maha Welas tur Maha Asih.
Para wargi anu mulya.
Cekap sakitu abdi nyanggakeun pihatur, pamungkas pisanggem, bilih aya basa anu kirang entep saeureuhna atanapi kecap anu kirang merenanh larapna, mugi kersa ngahapunten.

Wassalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

contoh katilu : INTERNET
Bapa/ ibu guru anu dipikahormat sareng rerencangan anu dipikacinta, sateuacana hayu urang panjatkeun puji sareng sukur ka gusti Alloh nu maha Esa, anu tos masihan rohmat sarta hidahyana ka urang sadayana. Ku kituna ayeuna urang tiasa ngumpul di tempat ieu.
Hadirin sadayana, Sa teu acana simkuring bade ngucapkeun nuhun ka bapa/ ibu guru anu parantos masihan waktos ka simkuring kangge medarkeun hiji biantara anu judulna “Pangaruh Internet Ka Rumaja”
Hadirin Sadayana, Sateu acan simkuring mitembeyan biantara, simkuring hoyong medarkeun watesan masalah anu bade dibacakeun, nyaeta diantara ; pangaruh internet tina segi positif sareng tina segi negative.
Internet, kecap anu teu asing di jaman ayeuna. Internet tiasa diakses dimana wae, cukup modal hp anu ngabogaan koneksi internet atawa cukup ku ngamodal duit sabaraha rebu perak, ayeuna mah ampir di unggal juru jalan, rek di kota atanapi di desa, ayeuna mah geus loba warung anu ngajual jasa internet atawa anu mana sok disebut “warnet”.
Seueur elmu anu aya di internet nu bisa ku urang dicokot. Sagala informasi naon wae anu aya di internet, informasi eta bisa dicandak kalayan gampang sagampang urang ngabalikeun talapak panangan sareng ngicepkeun soca. Terus naon hubunganna jeung siswa ? tangtu pohara seueurna hubungannana internet di jaman kiwari jeung siswa, sabab siswa heunteu luput tina anu namina informasi sareng elmu. Internet teh nyaeta media anu pang efektifna sarta gampang diakses dimana wae jeung kusaha wae. Sanajan teu bisa dipungkir yen ayeuna kabebasan ieu teh bisa oge disalah gunakeun jeung salah dina narepkeunana.  seueur pisan fasilitas internet minangka sarana kriminalitas atanapi asusila.
Rea pisan hal-hal negatif tina internet, salah sahiji contona nyaeta :
Pikeun anu kakara mikawanoh kana internet nyaeta bisa ngabuka situs – situs, gambar – gambar, atawa video – video anu teu sawajarna
Kacanduan gim online nepikeun ka poho kana sagala
Bisa katipu tina iklan – iklan di internet
Tapi aya oge segi positifna :
Siswa bisa neangan informasi anu luwes mun dibanding ngan saukur diuk cicing ngaregepkeun guru nerangkeun
Bisa nambah rerencangan dina jejaring social, jsb

Rumaja nyaeta makhluk anu rentan kanu parobahan di sakurilingna. Rumaja biasana sok nurutkeun anu dominan anu aya disakurilingna. Mangka ti eta alusna lamun urang bisa bijak ngagunakaeun internet keur kamajuan diri sarta pribadi urang sorangan.
Sakitu wae biantara ti simkuring, hatur nuhun atos merhatikeun, akhirul kecap.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Contoh pidato bahasa inggris

assalamualaikum WR.WB
saya mau nge share contoh pidato bahasa inggris nih.
mudah mudahan bermanfaat ^__^

Contoh Naskah Pidato Hari Kemerdekaan Dalam Versi Bahasa Inggris


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

First, I want to say thank you to Allah, who give me a time to speech in this special moment. Also to Prophet Muhammad, his families, and his friends.

The Indonesian Declaration of Independence was officially proclaimed at 10.00 a.m. sharp on Friday, August 17, 1945. The declaration marked the start of the five year diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands until the latter officially acknowledged Indonesia's independence in 1949. In 2005, the Netherlands declared that they recognized Indonesian independence is in 1945, not 1949.

Every year on 17th August, Indonesia’s celebrate the Independence Day. It’s very fun. There are a lot of contest, like Panjat Pinang. And in Istana Merdeka, they are having ceremony. May be, some of you go to have celebrate. You must be spirit in the Independence Day, you look our hero, and they are held the pass to gain freedom. And us, we’re as the student, we have to have spirit to celebrate the Independence Day. If you confess you’re Indonesia’s people, you must care about Indonesia, the Independence Day of Indonesia, and all of Indonesia you must like, because it’s your country.

Contoh Naskah Pidato Kelulusan Sekolah Dalam Versi Bahasa Ingris

This is one example of the school valedictory.
hopefully can be an example for those who need it

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Good day to all.

Principal Mr. I respect, Mr. and Mrs. I respect Teachers, Parents Class ... which I respect, my friends that I love.

First of all, let us praise and gratitude prayed to Allah's presence. because of the grace and guidance we are given his health to come together on this day. Today, we gather today in the context of separation once graduation day celebration Class ... students.

Teachers and Friends, I really do not feel time pass so quickly. We have six years of learning and studying at this school. So many lessons and knowledge that we got. All this is very useful for us.

Now, graduation day finally arrived. After six years we have learned much from Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, I'm as representative of my friends Class ... to thank our teachers dear. All the lessons and advice that we get we will always remember.

Contoh Pidato Hari Kartini versi Bahasa Inggris

Dear Mr and Mrs ...
Dear Mr. Chairman of the RW ...
Mr Chairman of the RT ...
Adolescents and youth peer territory ...
Ladies and noble presence,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Prosperous and happy congratulations also goes to our audience and the presence of a religion other than Islam.

On this happy morning, let us reflect and pray together for a moment, hopefully we are up this morning still blessed with happiness by God the Almighty, given the power to give thanks always, the grace and guidance of Almighty God. Gratitude, let us prove to keep running and stay away from the obligation imposed by Allah the Lord is the Most Just.

Furthermore, on this blessed morning, we should also grateful for the opportunity given by God the Almighty God's love, who by his grace we can also jointly held a ceremony commemorating the "Day of Kartini." Kartini's name, is not foreign. Even in this present life had etched an attitude, especially the attitude of the mother, the attitude of the adolescent, who reflects the ideals of the noble mother of Kartini.

Contoh Pidato Isra Mi,raj Versi Bahasa Inggris

Dear Mr Lurah ...
Dear Mr. Chairman RW / RT ... ..
Dear Mr ... (The elder),
Ladies and presence that we respect,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Thanks for the opportunity given to me to convey a message from the events of the greatness of our prophet "Muhammad." Let us praise the previous and gratitude to Allah SWT, for the blessings and grace bestowed on us all, so especially on this night we were all given the pleasure of physical and spiritual health to work together and listen to lectures religion as spiritual nourishment, to commemorate "Isra 'and Mi` raj "Great Prophet Muhammad.

Further, I extend our thanks to the maximum to all attendees who sincerely willing to ease the measures take time, to seek knowledge by listening to religious lectures which will soon be delivered by Mr. ... (Which Will Provide Speech / Lecture).

Contoh Pidato Global Warming Versi Bahasa Inggris

There is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree celsius). The warmest since the mid 1800’s was the 1990s. The hottest years recorded were 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003.

The United Nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century’s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted. If the ice caps melt, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water. Monuments and great buildings, as well as homes and lives will be under water, including New York City.

So now we know what some of the causes are for global warming, how can we as individuals do our part to help save the planet?

The answer is simpler than you may think. You don’t have to go miles away from home to protest, or spend masses of money. If you try to follow the few simple steps that I shall now give you, you will have started to help us all.

Contoh Pidato Pengaruh Internet Versi Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

To the teachers who I respect, to my beloved friend, and everyone who attending in this place, thank you very much to give me time so I can stand up here in front all of you to deliver a speech.

On this happy morning, let us reflect and pray together for a moment, hopefully we are up this morning still blessed with happines by God the Almighty, given the power to give thanks always. And let us prove to keep running and stay away from the obligation imposed by Allah the Lord is the Most Just.

Well, today, in this very special moment, let me stand here to deliver a speech about Internet Effect for Our Life.

As we know, nowadays, Internet is very important for us. But, actually, what is the meaning of Internet ? The Internet is combined worldwide network of computers that form a global information network system. The history of Internet started in 1969 when Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DAPRA) decided to conduct research on how to connect a number of computer. Actually, Internet originally used in military and university. But now, general public around the world can enjoy, or access them very easily. The number of Internet users in one country can be the size of the country's technological progress.

Contoh Pidato HIV/AIDS Versi Bahasa Inggris

HIV / AIDS who have been with us for about two decades, remains a problem that continues to be avoided from all of us. We are and have made some progress in understanding these challenges, but the long road we have yet to encounter.

Although people from all walks of life who have contracted AIDS, but the most vulnerable in our society is part of the poor, the illiterate, women and children who bear most of the burden of the HIV epidemic.

Against HIV / AIDS in South Africa has become more complex over 10 years. We are no longer only dealing with information and awareness, but with people who are faced with the reality of living with the disease. They do not know their HIV status. Some of them had been sick but they did not know that their illnesses associated with HIV / AIDS. And even if they know or suspect, they are reluctant to come and talk about their condition.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Narkoba
My friends who I loved from year to year we have a tendency to experienced a awfully speedy change, from that we have a tendency to must keep our association many friends as potential as a result of we have a tendency to are already one step in determining the longer term. and that they were all too many who fall into the planet of medicine.